Each of the boys have played in this circular walker and they've all loved it. This is a little clip of Justin's first time playing with his new toy.....
I'll have to add some footage in his jumper....he gets airborne! He 7 months and 4 day old today and will be fully crawling just any time now. He's lunging like a pond frog right now. When he gets some significant distance, you should see the surprise on his face!
(Wow! Posting two days in a row...I'm almost on a roll!)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Fall 2008 Update...
It seems that updating a blog on a regular basis is not as easy as I once hoped. At any rate, I'll still get to it as often as possible!!
Justin is growing....and fast!! He went from barely making it onto the regular percentile growth charts at the 5th percentile at 4 months to barreling into the 50th percentile at 6 months of age!! He is no longer a baby pip-squeek!! He's also doing much better with his colic and diet s
ince he's now switched to drinking Nutramigen (the same stinky, expensive milk-free formula that Travis once drank). We don't know if he has a true allergy like Travis, but all we know is that life is much more peaceful in the Lindsey house these days!! We're counting those blessings, but it's difficult not to cringe when buying a can at the store!! EOUCH!!! It hurts! Justin was baptized on August 3rd at our church, St. Philip's. My brother, Derek, and sister-in-law, Michelle, are his Godparents. He kicked Fr. Clay mercilessly in the gut the entire time it took to baptize
him!! I laughed and told him to imagine that from the other side for about 5 months straight! Justin is now smiling so much more than he did in his first months and is turning out to be an incredibly happy baby. He is already trying to crawl and this morning he was sitting up in his crib. He's now 7 months old and is ready to conquer the world; he gets frustrated that he cannot keep up with his older brothers!!! Shane and Traivs are very good at entertaining Justin and trying to make him laugh, though.
Travis celebrate
d is 2nd birthday in July. ...and he's DEFINITELY two!!! He's still high spirited, curious and an absolute JOY! He's still just as happy as ever but his stubborn streak certainly make it's presence known. It's wonderful to be able to say that it's been ONE YEAR since we've had a visit to the ER due to any heart-related issues!!!!! The improvement in his heart at the age of 18 months has proven to be a great G0d-given miracle! His imagination is taking off and he loves playing with Shane. I love hearing them play pretend games. Lately, the role-play of choice for both of them has been "pirates." We hear many "ARGH's" and "AYE's" about the house. They have foam-sword fights and make one another walk-the-plank by stepping off the bed onto the floor. I original
ly planned to send Travis to mother's-day-out along with Shane this year. Though, after Shane spent a week at A.M. sports camp in August, I had a change of heart. Travis seemed to eat up every moment with me. I decided to keep him home with me this year along with Justin. It's proving to be a really good choice. He's so different when he's alone with me. His vocabulary has sky-rocketed in the past few months. He says some things to very literally make me laugh out loud. I'm really enjoying this time with him before he does begin pre-school.
Shane is about to turn 5....WOW!...that sounds so strange to say!! He's in pre-kindergarten this year and wi
ll start the Big K next year. He's doing really well and is excited about school. He is such a sponge and asks 100+ questions in a single day. He has a very high natural curiosity about how everything work and why. I can honestly say there are some questions he's asked that I just have to say, "Let's research that together to find the answer." He's excited to play soccer in the spring and he wants to give a Karate another kick! He's decided that Mr. Rick is actually a nice guy. He's still my cautious one. I just hope he has the same sense of caution when he's 16!!! (as I've said...Shane's my "thinker" and Travis is my "stinker.") Shane's really amazed me at some of the things he's said and questions he's asked about Go
d. He brings up God or even the idea of God in the middle of even simple every-day activities. He seems to have a deeper grasp of God than I could imagine having at his age. When he prays and talks to God it gives me such hope that maybe he'll have a stronger relationship with Christ sooner than Troy and I did. He's on his own walk and God will reveal himself to all our boys as he sees best. Shane has taken to a real love of fishing. H
e fishes with Troy and my Dad anytime he's up at the lake and Troy has taken Shane for a couple of early morning outings. Troy bought a surprise "big boy" rod and reel for him this summer. Shane's casting abilities have REALLY surprised us. He's, well, pretty darn good! He reeling in the fish but isn't quite comfortable taking them off of the hook yet. GOOD THING! Shane loves to sail and enjoyed his sailing adventures with my parents this summer. My Dad bought a little Sunfish to teach his grandboys the science of sailing. One day, maybe he'll let them take out Captain G-Dog & First Mate MiMi's beloved sailboat "Vela," but, for now, they can take turn pretending to be Sunfish Captains.
I am so proud of my boys...all four of them! Troy is still enjoying his job and doing well at work. The state of the economy does not seem to have a great effect on his company or his job. For that, we are exceedingly grateful! As I write this entry Troy is actually in Peru with a mission team from St. Philip's to help build a church in Cabanaconde. This is something he's felt a call to do for about a year and a half, but God opened the door allowing him to go this Fall. He's been so excited to go and see why God called to him to participate. I'm so pleased for him that he simply decided to say YES and to be obedient to the call. The choice was not necessarily easy. He was anxious to leave the four of us at home alone, but we trusted that God would provide all we need even when our Daddy is away....I'm mostly referring to patience & peace, of course!!! Yes, I promise to have the two of us sit down and write an entry about his trip when he gets home. Many of you have provided provision by way of funds or prayer to make this journey possible. For each of you, we are grateful beyond expression. As far I go, I am just taking in each day as a new adventure. I recently found myself in a much better place and happier than I've felt in many months. I'm back to Bible study Tuesday mornings and feel a greater sense of peace and God's daily presence again. WHEW! I really need it!! Troy and I are back to joking around together like we used to and my stress level has been knocked down a few SEVERAL degrees. Circumstances haven't really changed, but the way in which I view them certainly has. We all have our distinct seasons in life and I'm happy to say this last one is closing and a new, even more joyful one, has begun!
In His Love,
Justin is growing....and fast!! He went from barely making it onto the regular percentile growth charts at the 5th percentile at 4 months to barreling into the 50th percentile at 6 months of age!! He is no longer a baby pip-squeek!! He's also doing much better with his colic and diet s
Travis celebrate
Shane is about to turn 5....WOW!...that sounds so strange to say!! He's in pre-kindergarten this year and wi
I am so proud of my boys...all four of them! Troy is still enjoying his job and doing well at work. The state of the economy does not seem to have a great effect on his company or his job. For that, we are exceedingly grateful! As I write this entry Troy is actually in Peru with a mission team from St. Philip's to help build a church in Cabanaconde. This is something he's felt a call to do for about a year and a half, but God opened the door allowing him to go this Fall. He's been so excited to go and see why God called to him to participate. I'm so pleased for him that he simply decided to say YES and to be obedient to the call. The choice was not necessarily easy. He was anxious to leave the four of us at home alone, but we trusted that God would provide all we need even when our Daddy is away....I'm mostly referring to patience & peace, of course!!! Yes, I promise to have the two of us sit down and write an entry about his trip when he gets home. Many of you have provided provision by way of funds or prayer to make this journey possible. For each of you, we are grateful beyond expression. As far I go, I am just taking in each day as a new adventure. I recently found myself in a much better place and happier than I've felt in many months. I'm back to Bible study Tuesday mornings and feel a greater sense of peace and God's daily presence again. WHEW! I really need it!! Troy and I are back to joking around together like we used to and my stress level has been knocked down a few SEVERAL degrees. Circumstances haven't really changed, but the way in which I view them certainly has. We all have our distinct seasons in life and I'm happy to say this last one is closing and a new, even more joyful one, has begun!
In His Love,
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Celebrating the 4th with friends...
In the words of my dear Dad...it was a weekend they'll write stories about for years to come... (and you'd have to know my Dad for that to be funny!!)
We had an awesome July 4th weekend....hope you all did as well! Our closest friends came up from Houston with their two boys--Chris, Kelly, Tyler and Cole. Usually our visits are limited to a regular weekend, and we try to squeeze in everything we possibly can. We all really enjoyed having a full extra day to spend time having fun as well as relaxing. We hit the new Frisco pool at the rec center and had a blast for a few hours. Justin and I did several laps around the lazy river while he slept peacefully on my stomach with his feet in the water. Shane is finally loving the water this summer like a fish and Travis is still a little "ify" about pools. We also made it out to the Rough Rider game on the night of the 4th. All 5 boys did great at the game. Travis, who doesn't know a stranger, ended up making friends with the family sitting behind us and their two older boys. Shane was really into watching the game; Troy and I hope he takes an interest most in playing baseball. When the game was over, the boys were amazed to be sitting directly under the fireworks. When the first boom hit, I thought for sure they'd all jump out of their shorts, but they didn't flinch. They loved every moment. It was a great rush to see them all so excited. We also made homemade ice cream with this very cool ball that Chris & Kelly brought up. You can get it at REI and it's meant especially to take on camping trips. You roll it around/shake/toss it for about 30 minutes and then you have (quite tasty) soft serve. We made vanilla for the kids and then let them make the grown-up ice cream with Khalua in it!! We had so much fun and the kids thought it was the best ice cream they'd ever had.
We all had a blast and hate to have the weekend(s) come to an end. We're trying not to let so much time pass between visits. We miss you and love you all very much! Next trip's on us, guys! Houston or bust!!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Better Late Than Never!!!
Yes, some will make fun of me for doing this, but I DON'T SCRAPBOOK!!!!!! So, I've intended on starting our "blog" for some time now, but somehow my days just seem to fill up with preparing meals, making bottles, cleaning, diapers, being the "Cruise Director"...and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
We've had a busy summer finding any and every fun activity to do indoors in efforts to beat the insane heat.
Justin is gaining weight and growing by leaps and bounds. Though he comes in just under the 5th percentile, we have finally made it onto the "real" baby charts!!! His precious personality is really beginning to shine through and the colic is wearing off (whew!!!). His smile is so warm and he often giggles out loud and the silliness of his big brothers.
Shane is growing so fast!!! He amazes me at how complex his thoughts can be at times. The questions he asks of me blow me away. You can tell he really reflects on a topic for quite some time and prepares his questions. It's difficult to believe he'll be five in October! The years have passed with barrelling speed. I am so grateful to have been able to put my career on hold when I did to spend this time with him before he begins Kindergarten.
Travis is still just as happy as ever and is such a little charmer. He is our little stinker for sure! It is driven by his intense curiosity for "cause and effect." He wants to know how everything feels, tastes, works, etc. He is also incredibly active! He is almost ALWAYS on the move. He loves to do silly dances, climb, run, or anything that keeps him MOVING!!! The three activities that will slow him down are eating (and those that know Travis know that he'll eat anything as long as it doesn't eat him 1st!), playing with trains or if he's ready to go to sleep (he's like his Mom--he loves his sleep, too!). He is fascinated with trains, especially Thomas. He and Shane can play together for at least an hour or more when building tracks and pushing along trains.
Troy and I are often still amazed when we step back and look at our life together. It seems like only days ago we were planning our wedding and preparing to buy our first house. On July 7th we celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. In total,
We hope you all are doing well and having a great summer, thus far! Stay safe!
Love in Christ,
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